Winter Class Series #2 Jupiter

Winter Class Series #2:  January 4th – February 12th

Kids Need More Art’s winter art classes help to promote a well-balanced education for young children through the creative process. Check out our new six-week class sets for elementary ages designed to meet the needs and busy schedules of our families and enrich the lives of our young artists!

View and Register for our Winter Class Schedule for Jupiter below.

For more information, please call us at 561-746-4576 or
email us at

AGES 5-9

Kids Painting Studio

Young artists are invited to spend an afternoon catering to their creative side with our Kids Painting Studio.  Each studio session will offer the opportunity to paint on canvas and explore a different subject to learn more about composition, lighting, perspective, and detail.  Whether learning a new skill or refining technique, join us in the beautiful late afternoon setting of the Kids Need More Art studio space!

Ages 5-9
Mondays:  January 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th, February 1st, 8th


Pottery Painting Studio

Creating pottery is always a messy way to have fun, but it’s the art of painting and glazing that takes a special skill!  Young artists will work with a variety of ready made ceramics while using pottery paints and glazes as they create pieces that will be fired to reveal their beautiful and unique look as finished works.

Ages 5-9
Tuesdays:  January 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th, February 2nd, 9th


The Art of Sewing

Learn a lifetime skill while creating fun and useful decorative, artistic, and fashionable projects!  Young artists will explore the art of sewing through hands on instruction that will introduce the sewing machine, while working on a variety of engaging projects that will help teach techniques and build skill level over the course of the class.

Ages 5-9
Wednesdays:  January 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th, February 3rd, 10th


Drawing and Painting

Young artists will go beyond the basics of two of the most popular forms of art while learning the techniques that master artists use to take their art to the next level.  From different brush types to application, to value, shading, and creating texture, discover how turn an ordinary work of art into an extraordinary one.

Ages 5-9
Thursdays:  January 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, February 4th, 11th


Independent Study Painting Studio

Young artists are invited to take their painting skills practice to a new level with guided independent study sessions designed to provide further practice with a variety of painting techniques.  Each studio session will offer the opportunity to paint on canvas and explore a subject of the artist’s choosing to learn more about composition, lighting, perspective, and detail.

Ages 5-9
Fridays:  January 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, February 5th, 12th


Kids Art Express

Young artists are invited to stop by our Jupiter studio for a chance to work on skills and explore different techniques and media, all while creating a work of art from start to finish.

Ages 5-9
Every Wednesday from 5:00-6:30pm
Every Saturday from 3:30-5:00pm

AGES 8-12

BAK Crunch

As the final phase in the audition prep process, young artists will have the opportunity for intense final practice before their audition.  Emphasis remains on developing confidence in observational drawing skills to give young artists the chance to study an object and take the time to really see how it interacts with and changes with the environment around it.  Further practice on line quality, composition, and value will give students the skills they need for a successful audition experience.

Ages 8-12
Mondays:  January 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th


Kids Painting Studio

Young artists are invited to spend an afternoon catering to their creative side with our Kids Painting Studio.  Each studio session will offer the opportunity to paint on canvas and explore a different subject to learn more about composition, lighting, perspective, and detail.  Whether learning a new skill or refining technique, join us in the beautiful late afternoon setting of the Kids Need More Art studio space!

Ages 8-12
Mondays:  January 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th, February 1st, 8th


The Art of Manga

Manga is the Japanese word for comics or printed cartoons. This class goes beyond the familiar characters with big, shiny eyes and funky hair and delves into the fantastical, whimsical styles of manga. Students will develop skills typical of realistic drawing (e.g. depicting light, shadow, coloring, line and tone quality, foreshortening, and perspective), but with a twist. Emphasis will be placed on character and concept development.

Ages 8-12
Tuesdays:  January 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th, February 2nd, 9th


Pottery Painting Studio

Creating pottery is always a messy way to have fun, but it’s the art of painting and glazing that takes a special skill!  Young artists will work with a variety of ready made ceramics while using pottery paints and glazes as they create pieces that will be fired to reveal their beautiful and unique look as finished works.

Ages 8-12
Tuesdays:  January 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th, February 2nd, 9th


The Art of Sewing

Learn a lifetime skill while creating fun and useful decorative, artistic, and fashionable projects!  Young artists will explore the art of sewing through hands on instruction that will introduce the sewing machine, while working on a variety of engaging projects that will help teach techniques and build skill level over the course of the class.

Ages 8-12
Wednesdays:  January 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th, February 3rd, 10th


Drawing and Painting

Young artists will go beyond the basics of two of the most popular forms of art while learning the techniques that master artists use to take their art to the next level.  From different brush types to application, to value, shading, and creating texture, discover how turn an ordinary work of art into an extraordinary one.

Ages 8-12
Thursdays:  January 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, February 4th, 11th


Kids Art Express

Young artists are invited to stop by our Jupiter studio for a chance to work on skills and explore different techniques and media, all while creating a work of art from start to finish.

Ages 8-12
Every Saturday from 5:00-6:30pm


For more information please call us at 561-746-4576 or email us at